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McCoy Fall Pic

McCoy Fall Pic

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Madelyn's first eating experience didn't go so well so we are going to hold off for a little while.

Itty bitty has had a rough week. Monday night she woke up and got sick a few times. She had a fever and wanted to cuddle all night because she wasn't feeling well. This lasted through Tuesday. Julia just thought it was because of her shots but Tuesday night in the middle of the night Patrick and Julia woke to a horrble cough coming from the Bits. Julia took her to the doctor and found out she has croup. Poor thing :(. Even with the croup, the coughing, the diarreah lasting 3 weeks, and the awful diaper rash, she continues to smile constantly. That smile makes a week of sleepless nights all worth it.