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McCoy Fall Pic

McCoy Fall Pic

Monday, August 24, 2015

Madelyn's 5-year old wellness visit results.

Height: 42" - 40th percentile
Weight: 36.5 lbs - 25th percentile
20/20 Vision :)

Monday, August 17, 2015

First Day of School!!


This is the point when Julia is glad she is wearing sunglasses.

She survived her first day of 2nd grade.

She survived her first day of kindergarten.

Happy Campers.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Madelyn's Build-A-Bear Workshop Birthday Party

Kelly, Barry, and baby bump came to visit!

 Copper Triangle
Baby Mae's Colorado baby shower

Madelyn's turns 5 years old!!!

She woke up to a birthday donut and presents. Later that evening the McCoys and McCarrons celebrated at Heritage Square Amusement Park.

Jane waiting for Nami and Poppa's arrival.
