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McCoy Fall Pic

McCoy Fall Pic

Friday, September 12, 2014

Maddy says

"The thunderstorm woke me up but he can't say sorry because he is not a people."

"Does that guy have a baby in his tummy?"

"Can cheetahs run faster than my high tops?"

Madelyn: "Mom! Jane is playing teacher in the breakful room."
Mom: "What is the breakful room?"
Madelyn: "The room with all your stuff that can break."

Mom: "Madelyn, what are your feet doing up on the table?"
Madelyn: "Smelling."

"That woman must have eaten all her growing food because she has dessert in her tummy."

Mom: "Madelyn, did you eat this book?"
Madelyn: "Well, I don't eat the ones made of wood but I do eat the ones made of paper."

"Broccoli is not my BFF food."

Madelyn: "Do you know why your heart is the most important part of your body?"
Mom: "Why?"
Madelyn: "Because that's where God is."

Jane says

"Why do we have to pay for our house? It's not even going to say thank you."

Baltimore versus Pittsburg football game is on tv. Jane cheers, "Broncos! Broncos! Broncos!"

These girls love amusement parks!!

Jane: "Mom, that can't be a turd because turds don't smile."(she thought it was a cupcake)

Nami, Poppa, and Uncle Tom came to visit. Here are some adventure pictures from Heritage Square.

August - First day of school 2014.

 Jane's first day of first grade.
 Nami and Poppa were here to send her off.

 Madelyn's third and final first day of preschool.
She is not happy because she isn't allowed to take Mrs.Henkels (stuffed animal cat) to preschool.
 Jane turns the tables and takes a picture of us on her first day.
 All summer there was concern that Jane and Hudson wouldn't be in the same class. At orientation, they learned they were not only in the same class but their desks were side-by-side. 

Jane looking for her name on the class list during orientation. Her teacher Mrs.Luebcke is in the background.

On her birthday, big girl Madelyn got to go with Dad on a business trip to Minnesota.

August - Madelyn's 4th birthday party at Lollipop Park!!

July - Chihuly Exhibit at the Denver Botanical Gardens

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Madelyn's 4-year wellness visit results:

Height: 39" - 35th percentile
Weight: 32.5 lbs - 25th percentile

Jane's 6-year wellness visit results:

Height: 40-7/8" - < 3 percentile
Weight: 36 lbs. - 5th percentile

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

July - McCoys went to North Carolina with Smith family. See slideshow for more pictures.

Fun at the pier.

Jane rode the waves for hours and hours until she was completely exhausted.

 Madelyn loved playing in the sand all day.

Mamaw and 7 of her 10 babies. 

Cousin David's wedding

4th of July

Monday, September 8, 2014

June - McCoys visited Aunt Kelly and Uncle Barry in Washington DC.

 Butterfly exhibit at the Smithsonian.

 In the dinosaur movie at the Smithsonian.
 3D Imax Butterfly movie. 
Auntie Keddy and her little butterflies at the Washington Monument.
Obama isn't home :(

Whew!!! The McCoys had a really busy and fast summer!

Passing the swim test at the Ranch House pool and the Community Center pool as well as learning how to ride a bike without training wheels gave Jane a ton of confidence this summer. She is no longer a shy and quiet little girl. She will talk to anyone that will listen, and is obsessed with hanging out with her friends and riding her bike everywhere. She often talks about how she wants to be a professional cyclist, which delights Dad and Mom.  

Madelyn has also matured a lot this summer. She is getting a lot better about using her words to express her emotions. She can play with her dollies and stuffed animals for hours. She has hilarious names for all her stuffed animals. Some examples include Priscilla, Artist Priscilla, Mrs. Henkles, Oreo, Pumpkin, John, Cowie, Ruff Ruff, Neigh Neigh, and many more than I can't remember right now. Her love for dollies is only surpassed by her love for costumes. Her imagination is incredible, and she loves yoga. She decided she wants to be an astronaut artist when she grows up which is amazingly fantastic.