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McCoy Fall Pic

McCoy Fall Pic

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jane and Madelyn made Native American headdresses at school.

Itty Bitty's feathers are her own footprints. Real cute.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Julia has started her company, 6132 Interiors. (Our house is 6,132 feet above sea level)

So today was Jane and Madelyn's first day of daycare. Jane was excited to go to school. She kept telling Julia "I go to cool mommy" and "I nappy at cool mommy." She was so proud to carry her backpack filled with her blankie, lovey (CC Tiger), and pillow for naptime. Julia cried as she dropped them off and it's been a very long day for her wondering about her bunnies.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The trick-or-treat play-by-play:

Jane and Mommy would walk up to the door, ring the doorbell, say "trick or treat," Jane would take some candy until Mommy said "stop," and then Jane would turn around, point to the house across the street and say "THAT HOUSE!!"

The McCoys had a fun Halloween weekend.

Grammie made Jane a clown costume. Madelyn wore Jane's old angel costume (that Grammie also made) and a ladybug costume for the colder Halloween night. There were lots of Halloween festivities. Jane did a Halloween parade at the library, went to two parties, and then went trick-or-treating.